Friday, February 12, 2010

What Parts Of The Skeletal System Are Affected By Tendonitis Have You Heard The Mike Sutton Story?

Have you heard the Mike Sutton Story? - what parts of the skeletal system are affected by tendonitis

I saw on ESPN Sports Center last night, when a particular story caught my attention. The purpose of this story has basketball at Tennessee Tech Mike Sutton, who is diagnosed with Guillain-Barre coach. GBS is a rare disease, the disease, the impact is only one in 100,000, which the organism is caused part of the immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system. Sutton was admitted to hospital in April, his condition, which he describes as having buried alive were deteriorating. Sutton, the coach did not make use of the skeletal muscle and was able to open and close their eyes during the worst weeks, as he struggled to survive. Strangely, Sutton has rehabilitated and coach his team back, although it still remains the physical limits. As endurance athletes, are no strangers to pain and sufferingNg, although the difference is our conscious decision to participate in these activities. I am very inspired by Mike Sutton and his treatment as a debilitating setback. I hope this story will inspire you


  1. Unbelievable. Thank you for sharing.

    One of my friends has a father with GBS.
