Friday, January 22, 2010

Assisted Living Edmonton What Happens To Personal Property When One Goes Into Assisted Living?

What happens to personal property when one goes into assisted living? - assisted living edmonton

My grandmother wants to continue to support life, because they did not do more themselves and do not want their children and older children, they should take care. You will not become a burden, even if they never wanted.

Whatever ..

She is worried about his house and his money. She said if someone in everyday life have helped to install his own house and all her money and she wants to go just the house and money to all his children and grandchildren. Everything is in the will.

Is this true - that the installation of their own property if she moves in the everyday care homes?


  1. It mainly depends on whether it is in a state or public support, if so, then yes, it will be all the properties to compensate for the costs. If not, will be your personal property. You can also register for the sale or place their assets on behalf of another person (or by his son, perhaps), but check the laws in your area, because sometimes there are delays in implementation.

  2. No of course not. If your house is their greatest asset could be sold at the end to pay for the installation, but if those fees are paid by other sources, then the house belongs to his heirs, as she wants. The facility will be paid somewhere, it does not make you free. And neither Medicaid or Medicare pays for most levels of assisted living care.

  3. I think she is probably talking about how to finance the costs for assisted living. Often it is a program through which man should be without a certain level of assets before Medicare will pay for assisted living. The idea is often sufficient assets for your family qualify. You need advice on this issue.

  4. Why does not the article to his family before the system? If that fails, then you have to give what they can sell the rest, and share the profits for themselves. So there is no physical or monetary way to take control.

  5. depends on where you live in Detroit to get the looters it!
